@prefix codemeta: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix ns1: . @prefix ns2: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sdo: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . a skos:ConceptScheme ; dcterms:creator "Jason Antman" ; dcterms:description "A standard to easily communicate to humans and machines the development/support and usability status of software repositories/projects." ; dcterms:title "repostatus.org" . sdo:WebApplication rdfs:label "Web Application" ; rdfs:comment "A software application served as a service over the web with an interface for human end-users" . skos:Concept a owl:Class . a sdo:SoftwareSourceCode ; sdo:author ; sdo:codeRepository ; sdo:contributor ; sdo:dateCreated "2017"^^sdo:Date ; sdo:description "Django web application that facilities viewing and searching a dictionary of dialects from the Dutch province 'Noord-Brabant' as well as the Belgian provinces of Antwerpen, Vlaams-Brabant and Brussels" ; sdo:funder ; sdo:identifier "ewbd" ; sdo:keywords "dialect", "dictionary", "dutch" ; sdo:maintainer ; sdo:name "Electronisch woordenboek van de Gelderse dialecten" ; sdo:operatingSystem "POSIX" ; sdo:producer ; sdo:programmingLanguage ; sdo:review ; sdo:sourceOrganization ; sdo:targetProduct ; sdo:url ; sdo:version "unknown" ; owl:sameAs ; codemeta:developmentStatus ; codemeta:issueTracker ; codemeta:referencePublication ; ns2:errors 0 ; ns2:log """(log file starts at Tue Oct 22 04:01:51 UTC 2024) [harvester info] --> Processing ewbd (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Tue Oct 22 04:01:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ewbd/wbd for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ewbd (md5sum 791a44ea6fc9ca8aff3cdf7fd111c20f); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ewbd" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewbd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewbd.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewbd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewbd.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewbd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewbd.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewbd)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ewbd)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewbd)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 57 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewbd)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewbd)] adding author https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/stub/H-21731149ca847049 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewbd)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown #3: Warning: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://e-wbd.nl/ for ewbd: codemetapy --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ewbd.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json" "https://e-wbd.nl/" -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('https://e-wbd.nl/', 'web')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewbd)] processed 79 new triples, total is now 79 Processing source #2 of 2 Fallback: Obtaining metadata from remote URL https://e-wbd.nl/ Service replied with content-type text/html Parsing html... Parsing site metadata Adding service (targetProduct) https://e-wbd.nl/ [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewbd)] processed 3 new triples, total is now 83 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/ewbd/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] removing stub targetProduct (WebApplication or WebAPI) without a URL, as we already have one (or more) with URL [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] done -- end log -- [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ewbd (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Tue Oct 22 04:01:56 UTC 2024] """ . a sdo:Place ; sdo:name "Nijmegen" . rdf:first ; rdf:rest () . a sdo:TechArticle ; sdo:author ; sdo:datePublished "2017"^^sdo:Date ; sdo:name "" ; sdo:url . rdf:first "Erwin R. Komen" ; rdf:rest () . rdf:first ; rdf:rest () . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:name "ClariaH" ; sdo:url . rdf:first "codemetapy validator using software.ttl" ; rdf:rest () . a sdo:ComputerLanguage ; sdo:identifier "python" ; sdo:name "Django with Python3" . a sdo:Review ; sdo:author ; sdo:datePublished "2024-10-22 04:01:52"^^sdo:Date ; sdo:name "Automatic software metadata validation report for Electronisch woordenboek van de Gelderse dialecten unknown" ; sdo:reviewBody """Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems Validation of Electronisch woordenboek van de Gelderse dialecten unknown failed (score 1/5) due to one or more requirement violations: 1. Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) 2. Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) 3. Warning: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) 4. Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) 5. Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)""" ; sdo:reviewRating 1 . a sdo:WebApplication ; sdo:name "e-WBD" ; sdo:url . a skos:Concept ; ns1:image "https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg" ; skos:definition "The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed." ; skos:inScheme "https://www.repostatus.org" ; skos:prefLabel "Active" . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:location ; sdo:name "Radboud University" ; sdo:url . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:name "Faculty of Arts" ; sdo:parentOrganization ; sdo:url . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:name "Technical Support Group" ; sdo:parentOrganization ; sdo:url . a sdo:Person ; sdo:affiliation ; sdo:familyName "Komen" ; sdo:givenName "Erwin" . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:name "Humanities Lab" ; sdo:parentOrganization ; sdo:url .