@prefix codemeta: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix iodata: . @prefix ns1: . @prefix ns2: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sdo: . @prefix skos: . @prefix stype: . @prefix xsd: . a skos:ConceptScheme ; dcterms:creator "Jason Antman" ; dcterms:description "A standard to easily communicate to humans and machines the development/support and usability status of software repositories/projects." ; dcterms:title "repostatus.org" . sdo:WebApplication rdfs:label "Web Application" ; rdfs:comment "A software application served as a service over the web with an interface for human end-users" . sdo:name "GNU Affero General Public License v3" . skos:Concept a owl:Class . a sdo:SoftwareSourceCode ; sdo:author ; sdo:codeRepository ; sdo:contributor ; sdo:dateCreated "2020-03"^^sdo:Date ; sdo:description "This webservice provides an output file with word alignments given an NL speech recording and a transcription." ; sdo:identifier "forcedalignment2" ; sdo:keywords "alignment", "speech recognition" ; sdo:license ; sdo:maintainer ; sdo:name "Forced Alignment 2" ; sdo:operatingSystem "Linux" ; sdo:producer ; sdo:review ; sdo:softwareRequirements , ; sdo:sourceOrganization ; sdo:targetProduct , ; sdo:url ; sdo:version "0.3.1" ; owl:sameAs ; codemeta:developmentStatus ; codemeta:issueTracker ; codemeta:readme ; ns1:errors 0 ; ns1:log """(log file starts at Thu Apr 25 04:01:59 UTC 2024) [harvester info] --> Processing forcedalignment2 (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2) [Thu Apr 25 04:01:59 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2... [harvester info] Found release v0.3.2 [harvester info] Using 'v0.3.2' [harvester info] Git reference: v0.3.2 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/forcedalignment2 for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for forcedalignment2 (md5sum 89ffaa88db0688ad9f87f37b8e0f2e91); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... -- begin log -- -- end log -- [harvester info] Found README.md [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "forcedalignment2" --codeRepository "https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/proycon/flat/blob/v0.3.2/README.md -> https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2/blob/master/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (forcedalignment2)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] processed 47 new triples, total is now 47 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (forcedalignment2)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (forcedalignment2)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (forcedalignment2)] adding author https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/stub/H30fa7573e6739e32 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (forcedalignment2)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #1: Warning: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #2: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #5: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #6: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #7: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/ for forcedalignment2: codemetapy --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/" -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/', 'web')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] processed 70 new triples, total is now 70 Processing source #2 of 2 Fallback: Obtaining metadata from remote URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/ Service replied with content-type application/ld+json Parsing json... Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/webapplication/Nd97992612a5f41577ba72cce1ba19879 Adding service (targetProduct) https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/ [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] processed 41 new triples, total is now 112 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2 -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (forcedalignment2)] done -- end log -- [harvester info] <-- Finished processing forcedalignment2 (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2) [Thu Apr 25 04:02:06 UTC 2024] """ . a stype:WebApplication ; sdo:name "Forced Alignment 2" . rdf:first ; rdf:rest () . a sdo:DigitalDocument ; sdo:description "FAout" ; sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ; sdo:identifier "PlainTextFormat" ; sdo:name "*.aliphw2" . a sdo:DigitalDocument ; sdo:description "Log file with (standard) error output" ; sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ; sdo:identifier "PlainTextFormat" ; sdo:name "error.log" . rdf:first "codemetapy validator using software.ttl" ; rdf:rest () . a sdo:SoftwareApplication ; sdo:identifier "clam" ; sdo:name "CLAM" . a sdo:AudioObject ; sdo:description "Speech file in .wav format" ; sdo:encodingFormat "audio/vnd.wave" ; sdo:identifier "WaveAudioFormat" ; sdo:name "*.wav" . a sdo:DigitalDocument ; sdo:description "Transcription .txt (utf8)" ; sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ; sdo:identifier "PlainTextFormat" ; sdo:name "*.txt" . a sdo:SoftwareApplication ; sdo:identifier "kaldi" ; sdo:name "kaldi" . a sdo:Person ; sdo:email "l.tenbosch@let.ru.nl" ; sdo:name "Louis ten Bosch" . rdf:first ; rdf:rest () . rdf:first ; rdf:rest () . a sdo:DigitalDocument ; sdo:description "Optional user dictionary .dict (will overrule bg lexicon)" ; sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ; sdo:identifier "PlainTextFormat" ; sdo:name "*.dict" . a sdo:Place ; sdo:name "Nijmegen" . a sdo:Review ; sdo:author ; sdo:datePublished "2024-04-25 04:02:01"^^sdo:Date ; sdo:name "Automatic software metadata validation report for Forced Alignment 2 0.3.1" ; sdo:reviewBody """Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems Validation of Forced Alignment 2 0.3.1 was successful (score=3/5), but there are some warnings which should be addressed: 1. Warning: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) 2. Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) 3. Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) 4. Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) 5. Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) 6. Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) 7. Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)""" ; sdo:reviewRating 3 . a sdo:WebApplication ; sdo:author ; sdo:description "Forced Alignment of text and audio files" ; sdo:name "ForcedAlignment2" ; sdo:url ; sdo:version "0.3.1" ; iodata:consumesData , , ; iodata:producesData , . a skos:Concept ; ns2:image "https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg" ; skos:definition "The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed." ; skos:inScheme "https://www.repostatus.org" ; skos:prefLabel "Active" . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:location ; sdo:name "Radboud University" ; sdo:url . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:name "Centre for Language Studies" ; sdo:parentOrganization ; sdo:url . a sdo:Person ; sdo:affiliation ; sdo:email "l.tenbosch@let.ru.nl" ; sdo:familyName "ten Bosch" ; sdo:givenName "Louis" . a sdo:Organization ; sdo:name "Centre for Language and Speech Technology" ; sdo:parentOrganization ; sdo:url .