@prefix codemeta: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix iodata: .
@prefix ns1: .
@prefix ns2: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix sdo: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix xsd: .
a rdfs:Class .
a skos:Concept,
skos:inScheme "https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields#Scheme" ;
skos:prefLabel "Computers and the humanities" .
a skos:Concept,
skos:inScheme "https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields#Scheme" ;
skos:prefLabel "Linguistics" .
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
dcterms:creator "Maarten van Gompel" ;
dcterms:description "Ontology of the NWO Research fields, as used in grant applications by the Dutch Research Council (NWO): https://www.nwo.nl/en/nwo-research-fields" ;
dcterms:title "NWO Research Fields" .
a skos:Concept,
skos:broader "https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields#ComputersAndTheHumanities" ;
skos:inScheme "https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields#Scheme" ;
skos:notation "37.20.00" ;
skos:prefLabel "Textual and content analysis" .
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
dcterms:creator "Jason Antman" ;
dcterms:description "A standard to easily communicate to humans and machines the development/support and usability status of software repositories/projects." ;
dcterms:title "repostatus.org" .
sdo:WebApplication rdfs:label "Web Application" ;
rdfs:comment "A software application served as a service over the web with an interface for human end-users" .
sdo:name "GNU General Public License v3" .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:broader ;
skos:definition "Wikidata contributors, \"Q98845582,\" Wikidata, https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q98845582&oldid=1270642307 (accessed September 4, 2020)."@en ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:prefLabel "Tree-Tagging"@en .
a skos:Concept,
skos:broader "trl:Stage4Complete" ;
skos:definition "Technology complete and qualified, released for all end-users in scholarly environments." ;
skos:inScheme "trl:Scheme" ;
skos:notation "8" ;
skos:prefLabel "8 - Complete" .
a sdo:Audience ;
sdo:audienceType "Developers" .
a sdo:Audience ;
sdo:audienceType "Science/Research" .
a sdo:SoftwareSourceCode ;
sdo:applicationCategory ,
"https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields#TextualAndContentAnalysis" ;
sdo:audience ,
sdo:author ;
sdo:codeRepository ;
sdo:contributor ;
sdo:dateCreated "2022-02-17T20:41:15Z+0100"^^sdo:Date ;
sdo:dateModified "2023-12-05T16:06:08Z+0100"^^sdo:Date ;
sdo:description "Frog is a suite containing a tokeniser, Part-of-Speech tagger, lemmatiser, morphological analyser, shallow parser, and dependency parser for Dutch. This is the webservice for it, for both humans and machines." ;
sdo:downloadUrl ;
sdo:funding ,
sdo:identifier "frog-service" ;
sdo:keywords "clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest" ;
sdo:license ;
sdo:maintainer ;
sdo:name "Frog-Webservice" ;
sdo:operatingSystem "BSD",
"macOS" ;
sdo:producer ;
sdo:programmingLanguage "Python" ;
sdo:releaseNotes "https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice/releases/tag/v2.7" ;
sdo:review ;
sdo:runtimePlatform "Python 3",
"Python 3.10",
"Python 3.6",
"Python 3.7",
"Python 3.8",
"Python 3.9" ;
sdo:softwareRequirements ;
sdo:targetProduct ;
sdo:url ;
sdo:version "2.7" ;
owl:sameAs ,
codemeta:developmentStatus ,
codemeta:issueTracker ;
codemeta:readme ;
ns1:errors 0 ;
ns1:log """-- begin log --
Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types...
Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json')]
Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle
Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
Processing source #1 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2
Processing source #2 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3
Processing source #3 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5
Processing source #4 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6
Processing source #5 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.frog-service.codemeta.json
Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog_webservice/snapshot
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 29 new triples, total is now 34
Processing source #6 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-02-17T21:15:33Z -> 2022-02-17T20:41:15Z+0100)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-12-05T15:14:48Z -> 2023-12-05T16:06:08Z+0100)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 34
Processing source #7 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.frog-service.codemeta.json
Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service.contributors/snapshot
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 37
Processing source #8 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only)
[CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] automatically converting license to spdx URI
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 37
Processing source #9 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.frog-service.codemeta.json
Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-webservice/2.7
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/stub/H-76200c5911c7beb0 -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/stub/H04e264935dbe2620)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Webservice and web interface for Frog, a dutch NLP suite -> Frog is a suite containing a tokeniser, Part-of-Speech tagger, lemmatiser, morphological analyser, shallow parser, and dependency parser for Dutch. This is the webservice for it, for both humans and machines.)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (nlp -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (webservice -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (frog -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (named-entity-recognition -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (part-of-speech-tagger -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (dutch -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (folia -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (frog_webservice -> Frog-Webservice)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2.7 -> 2.7)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 59 new triples, total is now 77
Processing source #10 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 77
Processing source #11 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.frog-service.codemeta.json
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/dependency/clam-ge-3-2-4 -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/stub/H-6da7e5a6bc165a2c)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/dependency/folia-tools -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/stub/H-6da7e5a6bc165a2c)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Internet > WWW/HTTP > WSGI > Application -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating)
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 44 new triples, total is now 115
Processing source #12 of 12
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json
NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 115
Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service/2.7
[CODEMETA VALIDATION (frog-service)] done
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebAPI based on clues
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python
[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python
VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service/2.7 #1: Warning: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata)
VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service/2.7 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
VALIDATION https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service/2.7 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata)
-- end log --
[harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json
[harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/ for frog-service: codemetapy --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --baseuri https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/frog-service.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/"
-- begin log --
Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types...
Detected input types: [('/tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/', 'web')]
Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle
Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
Processing source #1 of 2
Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json
Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service/2.7
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-service)] processed 200 new triples, total is now 200
Processing source #2 of 2
Fallback: Obtaining metadata from remote URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/
Service replied with content-type application/ld+json
Parsing json...
Found main resource with URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog
Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/webapplication/N92924b65026ad0e594da39bd3b791cc4
Adding service (targetProduct) https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/
[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-service)] processed 45 new triples, total is now 246
Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service -> https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/portal/frog-service/2.7
[CODEMETA VALIDATION (frog-service)] removing stub targetProduct (WebApplication or WebAPI) without a URL, as we already have one (or more) with URL
[CODEMETA VALIDATION (frog-service)] done
-- end log --
[harvester info] <-- Finished processing frog-service (https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice) [Thu Jan 2 04:02:54 UTC 2025]
""" .
a sdo:Organization ;
sdo:name "KNAW Humanities Cluster & CLST, Radboud University" .
a sdo:Grant ;
sdo:funder ;
sdo:name "CLARIAH-CORE (NWO grant 184.033.101)" ;
sdo:url .
a sdo:Grant ;
sdo:funder ;
sdo:name "CLARIN-NL (NWO grant 184.021.003)" ;
sdo:url .
a sdo:DigitalDocument ;
sdo:description "Text document" ;
sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ;
sdo:identifier "PlainTextFormat" ;
sdo:name "*.txt" .
a sdo:SoftwareApplication ;
sdo:identifier "frog" ;
sdo:name "frog" ;
sdo:version ">= 0.31" .
a sdo:TextDigitalDocument ;
sdo:description "FoLiA Document" ;
sdo:encodingFormat "text/xml" ;
sdo:identifier "FoLiAXMLFormat" ;
sdo:name "*.xml" .
a sdo:TextDigitalDocument ;
sdo:description "FoLiA XML document" ;
sdo:encodingFormat "text/xml" ;
sdo:identifier "FoLiAXMLFormat" ;
sdo:name "*.xml" .
a sdo:Place ;
sdo:name "Amsterdam" .
a sdo:Grant ;
sdo:funder ;
sdo:name "CLARIAH-PLUS (NWO grant 184.034.023)" .
rdf:first ;
rdf:rest () .
rdf:first "codemetapy validator using software.ttl" ;
rdf:rest () .
a sdo:Person ;
sdo:email "lamasoftware@science.ru.nl" ;
sdo:name "Ko van der Sloot, Antal van den Bosch, Maarten van Gompel, Bertjan Busser" .
a sdo:TextDigitalDocument ;
sdo:description "Frog Columned Output (legacy)" ;
sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ;
sdo:identifier "FrogTSVFormat" ;
sdo:name "*.frog.out" .
a sdo:DigitalDocument ;
sdo:description "Log file with (standard) error output" ;
sdo:encodingFormat "text/plain" ;
sdo:identifier "PlainTextFormat" ;
sdo:name "error.log" .
a sdo:Organization ;
sdo:name "Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University and KNAW Humanities Cluster" .
a sdo:Review ;
sdo:author ;
sdo:datePublished "2025-01-02 04:02:49"^^sdo:Date ;
sdo:name "Automatic software metadata validation report for Frog-Webservice 2.7" ;
sdo:reviewBody """Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems
Validation of Frog-Webservice 2.7 was successful (score=3/5), but there are some warnings which should be addressed:
1. Warning: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata)
2. Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
3. Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata)""" ;
sdo:reviewRating 3 .
a sdo:WebApplication ;
sdo:author ;
sdo:description "Frog is a suite containing a tokeniser, Part-of-Speech tagger, lemmatiser, morphological analyser, shallow parser, and dependency parser for Dutch." ;
sdo:license "" ;
sdo:name "Frog Webservice" ;
sdo:provider ;
sdo:url ;
sdo:version "2.7" ;
iodata:consumesData ,
iodata:producesData ,
a skos:Concept ;
ns2:image "https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg" ;
skos:definition "The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed." ;
skos:inScheme "https://www.repostatus.org" ;
skos:prefLabel "Active" .
a sdo:Organization ;
sdo:name "KNAW Humanities Cluster" ;
sdo:parentOrganization ;
sdo:url .
a sdo:Organization ;
sdo:location ;
sdo:name "KNAW" ;
sdo:url .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:broader ,
skos:closeMatch ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:narrower ,
skos:note "contextualizing refers to creating associations between an object of investigation and other, more established or better-understood objects in a relation of geographical, temporal, or thematic proximity to the object of investigation, with the aim of ascribing meaning to that object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kontextualisieren"@de,
"Контекстуализовање"@sr .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:altLabel "NER"@en ;
skos:broader ,
skos:definition "extraction of named entity mentions in unstructured text into pre-defined categories (Wikidata contributors, \"Q403574,\" Wikidata, https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q403574&oldid=1232404694 (accessed July 30, 2020)."@en ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:prefLabel "Named Entity Recognition"@en .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:altLabel "Part-of-Speech-Tagging"@en ;
skos:broader ,
skos:definition "the process of identifying the grammatical type of words in a text (Wikidata contributors, \"Q1271424,\" Wikidata, https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q1271424&oldid=1167811400 (accessed July 30, 2020)."@en ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:prefLabel "POS-Tagging"@en .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:broader ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:note "segmenting refers to a management process or method of dividing something into smaller homogeneous parts/units to gain better understanding about an object or topic. Segmentation can range from demographic, geographical, ethical, behavioral, visual, linguistic, musical to other areas and can be multi-dimensional."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Segmenting"@en .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:broader ,
skos:definition "the act of labelling a piece of data or content wth a short string to express some metadata (Wikidata contributors, \"Q43401994,\" Wikidata, https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q43401994&oldid=1198888121 (accessed September 4, 2020)"@en ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:prefLabel "Tagging"@en .
a sdo:Person ;
sdo:affiliation ;
sdo:email "proycon@anaproy.nl" ;
sdo:familyName "van Gompel",
"van gompel" ;
sdo:givenName "Maarten" ;
sdo:url .
rdf:first ;
rdf:rest () .
a sdo:Organization ;
sdo:name "NWO" ;
sdo:url .
a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:Concept ;
skos:broader ;
skos:closeMatch ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:narrower ,
skos:note "annotating refers to the activity of making information about a digital object explicit by adding notes, metadata, keywords, tags or links to a digitized representation or to an annotation file associated with it. This can be in the form of explanatory annotations that comments or contextualize a passage, annotations that make structural or linguistic information explicit, as linked open data making the relationships between objects machine-readable, or in the case of general metadata, adding information about the object as a whole."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Annotieren"@de,
"Анотирање"@sr .
skos:Concept a owl:Class .